Saturday, February 8, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: NED

PREVIEW: Berkshires Jazz presents sax chameleon Scott Robinson, ’10 by Sax’

Robinson is deeply rooted in bebop, swing, and classic jazz traditions, often channeling the influence of players like Lester Young and Coleman Hawkins.

FERC asked to revoke permit for pipeline through Otis State Forest

Congressman Richard Neal has demanded that decisions made by FERC regarding the Connecticut Expansion Project be deferred until a quorum of FERC commissioners is reached and all vacant FERC commissioner seats are filled: “It is my belief that the rehearing [on the permit] should occur before a single tree is cleared and construction on this project commences.”

In the woods or out of the woods?

In his letter to the editor, Ken Stokem writes: “Opportunities and economics could reactivate the Northeast Direct natural gas pipelines or new fossil fuel pipelines through our neighborhoods.”

Now there are four: Del Gallo enters Democratic primary for state Senate seat

Del Gallo supports the decriminalization of marijuana, along with changes to the economy as a crime-reduction method rather than an increase in law enforcement presence or the building of more prisons.

Kinder Morgan abandons Northeast Direct pipeline project – for now

Suspension of the NED project will not, it appears, have any effect on Tennessee Gas’ Connecticut Expansion Project, a pipeline storage loop that requires a slice of Massachusetts-owned and protected land in Sandisfield, Massachusetts.

Kinder Morgan suspends work on $3.3 billion Northeast Direct gas pipeline

Citing inadequate capacity commitments from prospective customers, the Board of Directors of the Texas-based Kinder Morgan has voted to suspend further work and expenditures on its proposed 120-mile pipeline known as Northeast Energy Direct. Suspension of the NED project does not appear to have any effect on Tennessee Gas’ Connecticut Expansion Project, a pipeline storage loop through a slice of Massachusetts-owned and protected land in Sandisfield, Massachusetts.

Pipeline approval may be in doubt as foes send barrage of comments to FERC

The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) has extended the deadline for commenting and for intervening as a party to the proceedings to January 15 at 5 p.m. Intervener status allows full participation in hearings on Northeast Direct (NED), including cross-examination and the submission of briefs.

State energy study seems to support gas pipeline, minimizes sustainable energy resources

"I can confidently say that the pace of renewable energy technology adoption is increasing, and the very certain progress in electricity storage will allow residential and utility scale solar to offset demand for those peak winter hours in the years 2020-2030 that this study says can be fulfilled by new pipeline capacity." -- Berkshire Photovoltaic Services’ Christopher Kilfoyle

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.