Wednesday, February 19, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: National Geographic

NATURE’S TURN: Blizzard paints the high country

Every branch, twig, and evergreen leaf sported a white brushstroke before snow changed to freezing rain.

Through the ancient art of book-binding, Great Barrington artist Suzi Banks Baum teaches Armenian women to express themselves

t the end of the day, this is what Baum is inching these women toward: to stand in their Armenian-ness, to look at their neighbor as a safe person, and to recognize that in this practice — as a fellow artisan in this community — they can ask one another for help and feel part of something together.

AMPLIFICATIONS: A plastic life

Alternative packaging, such as those made from bagasse and bioplastics, is being researched and manufactured, but not at a rate that will impact change any time soon. Perhaps the best way to proceed is at a community level.

Merchants offer inspiring support for single-use plastic water bottle ban

In her letter to the editor, Sharon Coleman writes: “China will no longer take our recycled materials. All of a sudden material collected on the street may not have a place to go.”

Resist effort to repeal plastic water bottle ban

In her letter to the editor, Marj Wexler writes: "We urgently need consumer pressure on bottling companies to challenge the unsustainable practice of producing new plastic bottles."

A student’s perspective on the plastic water bottle  debate

Almost everyone I know already brings a reusable water bottle to school (many in bright colors or covered in fun stickers), and I don’t foresee the ban changing our day-to-day life in any way. In fact, I don’t see this being a major detriment in any way to most citizens of Great Barrington.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.