Thursday, February 13, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

HomeTagsNatalie Tyler

Tag: Natalie Tyler

State Rep. Davis requesting meeting with DPU about Housatonic Water Works lack of compliance with state-mandated projects

In her letter to DPU officials, Davis wrote that "Water is a fundamental public good, and I will continue to advocate for sustainable solutions to provide clean, reliable water to all residents."

Bits & Bytes: Holiday Handcraft Fair; Berkshire Human Rights Speaker Series; ‘Othering’ spoken word performance; ‘EN•LIGHT•EN’ sculpture exhibit; ‘The Burial at Thebes’ at Darrow...

Janice Johnson Dias' Human Rights talk will explore how notions of black mystical appeal stymie black humanity and harm black women and girls.

Bits & Bytes: ‘Diapause’ exhibit; Simon’s Rock faculty recital; Williams supports solar project; Ramsdell Library Sundays; ‘Avenue Q’ auditions

Williams College will provide a bridge loan to the Williamstown Youth Center for a solar energy project that will supply the facility's energy needs.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.