It is great to see her building upon Smitty Pignatelli’s excellent work in improving emergency medical/ambulance services, and vital for the Berkshires with its aging population.
Jihadist groups on Sunday celebrated the Trump administration’s ban on travel from seven Muslim-majority countries, saying the new policy validates their claim that the United States is at war with Islam.
Meet me at a candlelight gathering tomorrow, Saturday, November 12, at 5 at the Mason Library in Great Barrington, Massachusetts, and bring your kids. We need to show them what the opposite of a bully looks like.
It’s not so comfortable to recognize the ways in which all of us are implicated in the murderous events unfolding before our shocked and horrified gaze. As always, it helps to follow the money. If we’re honest, we have to admit that the money trail leads straight from our cars’ gasoline tanks to the terrorists blowing up themselves and others in the name of Allah.