Virtually all other venues in the Berkshires are inviting, encouraging the public to get outside and enjoy their properties. It seems that if the BSO/Tanglewood really cared they would find a way to engage with the community during this difficult time.
As the audiobook unfolds, the reader quickly learns of the central tension: Eleanor, a self-proclaimed “great reader,” aspires to devour the books her grandfather has written, despite her mother’s estimation that “a nine-year-old girl wouldn’t understand them yet.”
New Ashford’s flag was presented to the Bureau of the State House during Wednesday’s ceremony in the Great Hall of Flags, which serves as the largest function room in the State House.
Thanks to a new book by local historian Bernard Drew, we know that there were automobile storage facilities, road competitions and even innovative car manufacturing operations in the Berkshires. And we know that the cottagers embraced the industry with considerable gusto.
Neither bird I was after breeds in the Berkshires, but the places that contained them—a mountaintop, a grassland—struck me as reflective of the diversity of habitats around us.
May marked the 42nd consecutive month that Northeast farms have earned less for their milk than it costs to produce it. That’s 42 straight months of operating at a loss. The New England dairy farmer may well be an endangered species.
'A World of Fairies: Across the Seven Seas' is a multilevel exhibit at Arrowhead that will feature a collection of one-of-a-kind, artist-created fairy houses.
The golf course features 10 holes, utilizes the geography of long rows between book stacks on all three of the library’s floors, and takes roughly one hour to play through.
Founded in 2016 upon the legacy of five American Renaissance authors who wrote in Pittsfield, the Mastheads is at once an urban architectural experiment, a literary research initiative, a writers’ residency and an educational program.
The fact is I probably talked to Kurt more than anyone else in my life. And those conversations took place over coffee for an hour or two almost every single day of our lives in recent years.
Architect Hugh Hardy’s Berkshire roots ran deep. When redemption for the Mahaiwe was in the offing, a better architect couldn’t be imagined than Hugh Hardy. As a child, he had attended movies at the Mahaiwe during summers.