As written, the initiative would only require governments and business entities to comply with the rights of the Housatonic River as established by the initiative. No lawsuits could be filed against individual residents.
Graduating seniors have been coming into school, three or four at a time, and walking across the auditorium stage to receive their diplomas. The video footage of the students will be incorporated into a virtual graduation.
Superintendent Beth Regulbuto declined to say how many calls the district had received from parents or whether, as parents have told The Edge, there was an unusually high number of absences the next day because of fear.
In the spirit of reflection and self-examination, herein lies The Edge's second annual Great Barrington year in review. It includes some select stories from other South County towns as well, along with embedded links to Edge stories for more information.
Though the school district denies any wrongdoing, the investigator did make recommendations which the school committee voted to adopt and that it has directed Superintendent Beth Regulbuto to implement.
During the forum, Hammond will reveal how, as an enthusiastic reader of J.R.R. Tolkien, he came to be a leading expert on the author, decided on his profession and found love in the bargain.
The most recent edition of the Bold Eagle, the student newspaper for Mount Everett Regional School, ran a front-page news story and an editorial on the controversy surrounding two administrators and the school committee.
Close Encounters With Music will kick off its 2019-20 season Sunday, Oct. 27, with the American premiere of Andre Hajdu’s ‘Kohelet’ for four cellos narrated by film, stage and television actor Sam Waterston.
In a letter to the editor, Michelle Raszl writes: "The Friends have gifted the library over 90 books and counting. I can’t catalogue them fast enough; my young students see them on my desk and want to check them out."