Thursday, February 13, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

HomeTagsMother's Day

Tag: Mother's Day

State Rep. Davis requesting meeting with DPU about Housatonic Water Works lack of compliance with state-mandated projects

In her letter to DPU officials, Davis wrote that "Water is a fundamental public good, and I will continue to advocate for sustainable solutions to provide clean, reliable water to all residents."

Naumkeag’s Daffodil Festival runs through Mother’s Day

The Trustees of Reservations have counted the spring bulbs at Naumkeag, and here is the number they report: "60,000."

Moms like us

"I mean you no harm; I am trying to understand my world and how to make it work. I might buzz or chirp. If I am on the higher end of the spectrum, I might amaze you with my knowledge of the planets, yet I cannot answer you when you ask me what I want for Christmas."

Berkshire Baby Box: Linking new families to Berkshire resources

The primary mission of Berkshire Baby Box is to celebrate new families in the Berkshires; the boxes are given out at workshops where parents receive education, support and vital connections to one another and to area resources as they transition into parenthood.

EDGE WISE: Mother’s Day reflections

This Mother’s Day, by all means shower your mother with flowers, chocolates, and love. But let’s also think more deeply about the tremendous contribution mothers make every single day, and how we might work together to ease their burdens and give them the recognition and rewards they so heartily deserve.

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