SBAS has been coming to the rescue of Southern Berkshire County since 1968. It is now part of a study aimed at evaluating the critical challenges facing EMS providers across the district.
The fine woodwork show will feature designs by professional woodworkers from throughout the Berkshires; Columbia County, New York; and surrounding areas.
In her talk at St. James Place, Mary Berry will address the topics of what it will take for farmers to be able to afford to farm well, and how to become a culture that supports good farming and land use.
Seventy-four percent of Berkshire Business Confidence Index survey respondents indicated strongly that they expect their businesses to look moderately to substantially different in the next 10 years.
Benjulian was director of new play development at Magic Theatre in San Francisco and chief speechwriter at Apple. She is the author of the new poetry collection “Five Sextillion Atoms.”