There has been much rhetoric in support of Palestinians. But where is the rage towards Hamas? Hamas is a terrorist organization whose sole purpose is the destruction of Israel.
Maybe we humans are too selfish or shortsighted to look past our next meals to the future of the planet, or the killing of sentient beings to feed ourselves.
He worked as Manager of Computer Operations at Berkshire Life Insurance Co; then as Assistant Director at the Marian Helpers Center in Stockbridge where he was also the Managing Editor of their quarterly magazine “Marian Helpers Bulletin.”
The funeral mass for Bina M. Armstrong will be held at 11 a.m. on Monday, October 23, 2023 in St Ann’s Church. Burial will follow in St Ann’s Cemetery. A calling hour will precede the funeral service from 10 a.m. until the time of the service in the church.
To quote E.F. Schumacher, “Any intelligent fool can make things bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius—and a lot of courage—to move in the opposite direction.”
I’m voting NO because the PR materials developed for the Eight Town Regional School District Planning Board (RSDPB) do not agree with the wording of the proposed Eight Town Regional Agreement or the rest of the Warrant Article, the legal documents we’re voting on.
Assistant Town Manager Chris Rembold noted that local employers are struggling to hire staff because of high housing costs and housing shortages, “so creating housing options is our top development priority.”
I spoke with Mr. Vieaux by telephone this month and learned a lot about what it means to be a modern classical guitarist. (We've come a long way since Andrés Segovia established the instrument's legitimacy in classical music circles a century ago.)
Department of Public Works Director Joseph Aberdale said at the October 24 Select Board meeting that the temporary prefabricated replacement bridge on Division Street should be ready by Thanksgiving.
At its Monday, October 24 meeting, the Great Barrington Select Board reviewed the first of the two redevelopment proposals for the former Housatonic School from Arete Venture Partners LLC.