Whether you are passionate about responsible growth, preserving Sheffield’s charm, or simply looking for a way to contribute, your involvement can make a meaningful impact.
Right from wrong was a thing about which Miss Mary never was in doubt. Also, like Pelosi, Miss Mary acted out of her own convictions, never swayed by the praise or criticism of others.
That was the reason our Founding Fathers divided power among three co-equal branches and gave to each the power of checking the other—it was the safeguard against autocracy.
In the midst of the upheaval, the disruption and the shocking bad taste, it is nice to remember old values. It is with a sigh of relief we remember a strict morality, a common decency and a regard for good taste.
Laurel Hill Association, established in 1853 , is the oldest village improvement association in America. In its first year, 400 trees were planted, and that was just the beginning. It was so successful that it became a model for civic beautification organizations all over the country.