Monday, February 17, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: Mars

Keep it up, State Rep. Davis!

It is great to see her building upon Smitty Pignatelli’s excellent work in improving emergency medical/ambulance services, and vital for the Berkshires with its aging population.

EYES TO THE SKY: Crescent moon, planets to bedazzle the dawn, dusk

The celestial drama of the waning moon with planets unfolds at dawn within 20 degrees of the southeast horizon.

EYES TO THE SKY: Sun’s New Year, dawn and dusk planets

At nightfall, orange Deneb Kaitos, of the faint constellation Cetus the Whale (or Sea Monster), is clearly visible to the left and above Fomalhaut.

EYES TO THE SKY: Venus, Jupiter, Saturn, Moon at dusk. Mars, Mercury dawn

As we approach the very shortest days of the year, the times of both dusk and dawn seem to belong more to daytime than night.

EYES TO THE SKY: Planets, crescent moons, Taurus’ third horn, Eta Aquariid meteors

Even faint shooting stars may be visible in dark skies in locations away from artificial light. The peak of the Eta Aquariids is predicted to be before dawn Sunday morning, May 5.

EYES TO THE SKY: Mornings with the gods, and other wonders

Add a cosmic perspective to this culmination in our solar system by being outdoors 60 to 75 minutes before sunrise, when the stars of our galaxy populate the dark sky.

Just another Day of Celebration: January 12, 2019

Five national celebrations on this one solitary winter’s day. Who knew?

EYES TO THE SKY: Here comes the sun, Venus, waxing moon and Leonid meteors

Where the glistening bay reached the sea, a rosy red rounded radiance colored the skyline, a concentrated shape of color above the east-southeast horizon.

EYES TO THE SKY: Majestic Summer Triangle tilting west

At this time of year, midway between the autumn equinox and winter solstice, the stars Vega, Altair and Deneb are positioned high in the south at twilight.

EYES TO THE SKY: Moon guide to evening sky. Welcome Fomalhaut, Orion, Orionid meteors

The Orionid meteor shower, predicted to peak before dawn on Sunday the 21st, is active through November 7. At peak, in a dark location under a moonless sky, a maximum of 15 to 20 shooting stars per hour are predicted.

EYES TO THE SKY: Four constellations, two asterisms, two summer stars, three planets and a meteor shower

The Draconids, a minor shower, sometimes rewards the sky-gazer with many shooting stars.

EYES TO THE SKY: Pegasus, Venus last days, Autumn Equinox, Full Harvest Moon

The Great Square may be visible in less-than-ideal stargazing conditions, whereas the whole of the flying horse, which includes dim stars, requires unpolluted, dark skies.

EYES TO THE SKY: Summer’s evening sky, morning’s winter sky

Be radical: Awaken in time to see the brightest star in Earth’s sky, Sirius, appear after a long absence.

EYES TO THE SKY: Mars peaks this week: Seek out Mars, now brighter than Jupiter

View Mars from nightfall to first light. It is particularly lovely as it sinks into the hills to the southwest.

EYES TO THE SKY: Navigating a summer night

Tonight, the 9th, Regulus, the brightest star in the constellation Leo the Lion, is in conjunction with Venus.

EYES TO THE SKY: Five planets, summer solstice, fireflies flashing

At the first sight of the clearing, I was wonderstruck by an aerial display of countless blinking golden lights and dipping, curving, white gold lines streaking all over the meadow from the ground up to the treetops.

EYES TO THE SKY: Night sky delights: Saturn to join Venus, Jupiter. Full Corn / Flower Moon tomorrow

Most of us are never prompted to think about the dynamic nature of the world, a world in which the planets move in their orbits in space at varying speeds and that the relationship between the planets changes.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.