The Declaration of Independence makes crystal clear that the Founders fought for the proposition “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed …” Having lost the 2020 election, Donald Trump became the first president in our history to oppose the peaceful transfer of power and to try, in...
In the program’s notes, St. Germain pinpoints the goal: “What works on the page needs to take on its own vivid life on the stage.” Does it? Despite the play’s intelligence, erudition and beautifully crafted language, sadly, not so much.
It's not the language that makes this play what it is and what it isn't. There is emotion missing in the cleverness of the dialogue and the letters exchanged.
The Literacy Network of South Berkshire has launched Berkshire County’s first scholarship program to support immigrants in their pursuit of U.S. citizenship.
The Crandell Theatre will serve as the exclusive regional host for the premiere of “Tales of Europe,” a series of five new and acclaimed contemporary films from France and Italy.
Bigoted, mean-spirited men of business have always believed in their God-given right to rule the world they control. Seeing this play again, now, in this season of our political year, is a hysterically funny yet chilling experience.
The Hoosac Tunnel, which opened for rail traffic in 1875, took over 25 years to build, cost millions of dollars to construct, and claimed more than 100 lives.