Valkyrie will have to go through the site-plan review process with the town planning board and negotiate a host community agreement with the selectboard.
If the permit is denied, Fulcrum could tie the town up in prolonged and expensive litigation. Or a vengeful Fulcrum could return with a different proposal -- perhaps one that is equally objectionable and does not require a special permit.
The Great Barrington police will join other departments across the state as well as the Massachusetts State Police in the national Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over enforcement mobilization.
In a letter to the editor John Beacco Jr. of Lee writes: “A board as important as health should not have its input dismissed regarding any issue because of a technicality.”
Our intent with this column and the radio broadcast is to describe the issues and how they do or do not get solved so that we, all voters and taxpayers, can be part of the process. So please, keep the comments coming.
Great Barrington, Eastham, Leicester, Newton, Northampton, and Uxbridge have received subpoenas from the office of U.S. Attorney Andrew Lelling seeking information about so-called host community agreements.
Nova Farms President Ross said the company "goal has always been ... to comply with all Mass CCC regulations" and Nova has "worked hand-in-hand with the Mass CCC since our suspensions to make sure that no stone has been left unturned."
“We can’t make a judgment on the social or economic merits of this project. That’s the job of the Selectboard. But the application does meet the requirements of our zoning bylaws.”
-- Great Barrington Planning Board Vice Chair Malcolm Fick
What type of economic development does not bring with it some aspect that some of us find unpalatable? How much are we willing to put up with in order to improve economic opportunities for ourselves and others.
Dobson has two greenhouses already up and is building a third. That way, he can continue to grow over the winter. But the bottom line is there won't be as much outdoor product as there would be in a normal growing season.
At Monday's selectboard meeting, member Kate Burke noted that the money cannot be spent yet because it was not budgeted for. The disposition of the funds will be discussed during budget deliberations this fall.
The more I saw of the emerging fight with the Legislature, the more I thought that this was very-clever Andrew saying that he was for legalization but really being the old middle-of-the-road-Democrat Andrew who was actually opposed.