Written and directed by John de Graaf in 2019, the film explores the concept of cohousing, an intentional community of private homes clustered around shared space.
In accordance with Mass Cultural Council guidelines, a deadline of Tuesday, Oct. 15, has been set for organizations, schools and individuals to apply for grants for 2020 that support cultural activities in the community.
John 'Sean' Condon will explore how Shays' Rebellion influenced the division of power between state and federal governments set out by the U.S. Constitution and how it shaped the form of public protests today.
Ninety percent of the workshops in the current CATA studio reached capacity, leaving little if any room for new CATA artists, and no space for artists who want to try new art forms.
"This is a creative community that thrives with the inspiration and energy of hundreds of concerts, performances and exhibits throughout the year, as well as the educational and thought-provoking programs created through the CPB. All would be jeopardized if the nation no longer celebrated or supported the arts as integral to our democracy.”
--- Beryl Jolly, executive director of the Mahaiwe Performing Arts Center in Great Barrington
What makes CATA such a well-respected part of the Berkshire community is that it provides people with disabilities the opportunity for creative self-expression.
All proceeds from the Warm Up the Winter concert November 19 at the Mahaiwe will go to the heating assistance programs of Construct, Inc., to support Berkshire County residents in need.