Sunday, September 15, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Louis Armstrong

THE OTHER SIDE: Jack Smith v. The Supreme Court

Despite the remarkable obstacles thrown in his way by the Supreme Court, Jack Smith and his team are still hard at work trying to satisfy the claims of justice.

Harry Connick Jr. lets the good times roll at Tanglewood

His deep knowledge of New Orleans musical history was evident in spoken asides throughout the evening, offering reverence to such iconic figures as his “musical idol,” Louis Armstrong.

Francis ‘Far’ Welch Laidlaw, 82, of Stockbridge, noted jazz musician

Far started teaching himself to play the clarinet and cornet when he was 18, often using the family car as a practice venue.

CONNECTIONS: The Music Inn, Tanglewood’s antithesis next door

For a time the Berkshire Music Center stood a neighbor to the Lenox School for Jazz; the BSO played next door to Anita O’Day and Lena Horne.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.