"We are committed to deepening our engagement with local residents and community partners by opening the Linde Center’s doors year-round to present programs that enrich and enliven arts and culture in the Berkshires area," says BSO President and CEO Chad Smith.
Ms. Davis, without any audible dissent from her colleagues, wants to tell us that “transparency and accountability are essential for maintaining the public’s trust in our local government.”
So, when the trucks come rumbling through, who you gonna call? Not the Ghostbusters. As for calling Town Hall and members of your select board, can you really expect those who put you in this position in the first place to actively and effectively get you out of it?
George McGurn, who chairs the Egremont Select Board, told The Edge in an interview that the town has no bylaw that addresses retail adult-use or the cultivation of cannabis. The town did enact a bylaw governing medical marijuana several years ago.
For so many women running for office in record numbers across the country, the current state of national electoral affairs is an inescapable call to action.
As written, the initiative would only require governments and business entities to comply with the rights of the Housatonic River as established by the initiative. No lawsuits could be filed against individual residents.