In a letter to the editor, Valerie Bluhm writes, 'On Friday and Saturday of Founders Weekend, our Committee will continue its multi-year effort to have this event be zero-waste.'
The goal of the Cooler Communities Challenge is to reduce a community’s carbon footprint and improve its resilience by showcasing students’ research and activities on climate, energy and environment to inspire people to take action.
GE has also challenged the EPA's order to dispose of the contaminated sediment at an out-of-state facility, insisting it wants to establish dumps for the material dredged from the river in Lenox Dale, near Goose Pond in Lee and on land adjacent to Rising Pond, an impoundment on the river in the village of Housatonic.
The Four Freedom Coalition's 'Step Up: Empowering Ourselves' will focus on specific issues, how they affect the community, and what the public can do at the local level to address them.