Wednesday, December 11, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

HomeTagsLebanon Valley Speedway

Tag: Lebanon Valley Speedway

Dean of Pittsfield High School charged along with Pittsfield resident with cocaine trafficking conspiracy

Both Wiggins and Warren were arrested on the morning of December 11 and released on conditions following an initial appearance in federal court in Springfield.

Edward Riiska Jr., 75, of Sandisfield, race driver and highway superintendent

For 30 years he raced at Lebanon Valley Speedway. A well-respected driver known for driving clean, he was proud to mentor new drivers.

William Dempsey, 100, of Great Barrington

The family moved the Dempsey's Garage business to Great Barrington in 1937, operating on Railroad Street until 1947 when Mr. Dempsey and his brother, Matthew J. Dempsey Jr., took over the business and moved it to 42 Bridge St.

Ernest Hood Jr., 58, of Otis

For the last 20 years, he was employed by Williams Stone Company in East Otis. Mr. Hood was a former member of the Otis School Committee.

Corey Wampler, 26, of Canaan, Conn., graduate of Mt. Everett

Corey graduated from United Technical Institute in North Carolina as a certified mechanic, then worked several years for Skip Barber Racing and subcontracted with pit crews at Saratoga, Lime Rock and Lebanon Valley, including Jimmy Langenback and Justin Barber.

Bits & Bytes: Renovations at BCC; GBLC Hullabaloo; ‘Song of the Earth;’ Tara Lai Quinlan & ‘Mariam;’ Mama Doni concert; Behold! New Lebanon tours

Hullabaloo aims to raise awareness of GBLC’s work caring for and conserving Great Barrington’s natural resources, preserving prime agricultural land, and protecting open spaces for public recreation and conservation.

Robert G. Chatfield, 64, of Sharon, Conn., radio host on ‘Robin Hood Radio,’ youth sports coach

Robert G. Chatfield of Sharon, Conn., died August 4 at the age of 64. He was the son of George and Marion Chatfield and...

Bits & Bytes: ‘Spaces and Perceptions;’ cemetery walk; Behold! New Lebanon tours; Jeff Klein on Syria; Madden Camp open house

The cemetery walk will cover the complex history of the Red Lion Inn, from its founding as a store to its place in Stockbridge today as the center of the town.

Bits & Bytes: ‘Yoga to the Rescue’; Behold! New Lebanon July 30 tours; cabaret trains; ‘Columbia County’ art show; ‘Mystery Box’ at Olana; Seth...

The Mystery Box project is designed to focus on the act of making art and the process of using a historic site to inspire contemporary artists.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.