In her letter to DPU officials, Davis wrote that "Water is a fundamental public good, and I will continue to advocate for sustainable solutions to provide clean, reliable water to all residents."
Proposals for how to use the cannabis revenue windfall will be discussed by the selectboard and the finance committee in the upcoming deliberations for next year's budget, with voters having the final say on how to spend free cash at the annual town meeting in May.
Economic development committee Chairman Steve Picheny wanted an update from town manager Mark Pruhenski on the environmental status of the building and then solicited thoughts from committee members about what uses they thought would suit the empty building.
A Proposition 2½ override also passed by a margin of 692-402. The measure will allow the town to raise the tax levy enough to address building improvements to the former Housatonic School, Housatonic fire station, police station and Town Hall.
"I have no idea how this election will turn out. I put signs up this weekend. I asked some people to put up signs and they said no. They liked everybody."
-- Great Barrington Selectboard Chair Steve Bannon
"The work I do provides me with unique insights into how Great Barrington might better leverage state and federal monies, pursue shared services, and develop creative partnerships which would help to strengthen and sustain our community."
-- Great Barrington Selectboard candidate Leigh Davis
2018 has provided enough Great Barrington news to keep journalists busy and observers of town politics highly amused, signaling that the community dubbed "best small town in America" by Smithsonian Magazine continues to be a place in transition.
The accusations came to a head earlier this month when the selectboard held a hearing to consider calls for her removal from the housing authority. Some witnesses vouched for Smith's integrity and hard work but others accused her of practicing nepotism, creating an environment of "toxicity," and exhibiting "aggressive and hostile behavior."
Selectboard Chair Steve Bannon agreed that Housing Authority Chair Karen Smith's transgressions do not rise to the standard for removal under state law.
Friday, March 23, is the last day nomination papers can be obtained from the town clerk for candidates who want to be on the ballot for the Tuesday, May 15, nonpartisan municipal elections.
Their projects focus on children, education, families and self-sufficiency and sustainability through revenue generating projects that empower people to strengthen their local economies and enrich their communities.
"If you don't think we have a problem, watch drivers circle our streets on Saturdays like desperate sharks.”
--- Writer and downtown resident Mickey Friedman
At a meeting Thursday night, the school committee voted unanimously to ask Superintendent Peter Dillon to draft a mission and recommend the composition of a panel that would meet regularly and propose a solution for the aging school.
“I was amazed by the number of bicycles in Holland. Everyone rides. Older people are riding bikes. There are bikes paths everywhere, and I couldn’t get over how quiet it was.”
--- Karen Smith, chair of the Great Barrington Parks and Recreation Commission