Tuesday, February 18, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

HomeTagsJon Swan

Tag: Jon Swan

CONNECTIONS: In this fraught time, focus locally

It is important for us to feel relevant at a time when it is easy to feel small and impotent.

POEM: The reading of the deed

Don’t just stand there staring when water’s seeping in under the kitchen door

POEM: American Bouillabaisse: Take Two

Globally bubbling, ready to serve. That’s us.

POEM: Witness for the Prosecution

The screen has been waiting for you.

POEM: It Happened One Night … in Alabama

The crowd unzips like the Red Sea back in the day – and the dog bounds up onto the podium and gripping it with both paws, becomes POTUS!

The Little Blue Engine and the Boy with the Lemon-Colored Hair

The boy only grinned and shouted back, “Backward goes faster than forward. Look how fast I’m going already!”

POEM: Anchors Aweigh!

A poem from the bard of the Maine Coast, watching the waters rise.

POEM: The Great Gas Bag

A poem from Jon Swan imagining our potential future leadership.

Poem: Heck of a Job

Iraq’s guts are still steaming/in the dry, hot air of a nation whose reconstituted army/ tends to run for its life when it faces an enemy,/ even though trained at great expense by the U.S. Army.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.