Thursday, September 12, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Joint Committee on Consumer Protection and Professional Licensure

THE LAZY BERKSHIRE GARDENER: Week of September 12, 2024

By not feeling rushed this week, I took the time to teach myself a little something about goldenrod.

Hearing on Great Barrington home-rule petition on horseracing set for Jan. 27 in Boston

It is not clear precisely when the home-rule petition hearing will begin. There are 10 hearings starting at 1 p.m. and the Great Barrington hearing is seventh on the list for that afternoon.

Leigh Davis appointed to represent town at horseracing hearing in Boston

At a special town meeting Dec. 11 almost 300 residents overwhelmingly passed a warrant item on a home-rule petition.

VIEWPOINT: Residents organizing written, oral testimony to support home rule on horseracing

Senate Bill 101 provides that horse racing licenses in locations that previously were granted commercial racing licenses would need no further approval from the municipality. In Great Barrington, that would mean neither the selectboard nor the citizens would ever have a vote.

Home rule petition on horse racing officially filed as legislation in Boston

"I do not not anticipate any issues whatsoever to get the home-rule bill through. We're a home-rule state. Whatever the town wants, I am for." -Rep. William "Smitty Pignatelli, D-Lenox

Barrington residents overwhelmingly approve home-rule petition on horse racing

"Whatever revenues come from it ... will be blood money. It's disrespectful to our town and it has to be stopped." -- Matt Rubiner

Activists file home-rule petition on horse racing, as questions are raised about selectboard policy changes

But there is a workaround for local control. The project would require as many as three special permits from the town.

Horse racing could have severe environmental impact

In a letter to the editor, Bob Meyers writes, "According to the EPA, the types of animal waste pollutants discharged by Sterling Suffolk Racecourse threaten human health and the environment."

Animal cruelty, local control doomed Hinds’ sponsorship of horse racing bill

"Over the past few weeks I have met, spoken with, and received testimony from many in my District who are concerned with this proposal: either because they do not support horse racing as an industry, or because they are concerned with the legislation as it is currently drafted." --Sen. Adam Hinds, D-Pittsfield

Lawmakers assure Great Barrington officials: Local permits required to reintroduce horse racing at Fairgrounds

Town officials have said Sterling Suffolk Racecourse would need at least two special permits: One for commercial amusement and another for floodplain protection, and possibly a third for work in the town’s water quality protection overlay district.

Concerns aired about Suffolk Downs’ plans for horse racing at fairgrounds

Suffolk needs a change in state law to permit it to hold races in Great Barrington while at the same time allowing it to maintain its simulcasting and betting operations back in East Boston. Racing at the fairgrounds would also require permits from the town.

News Brief: Otis liquor license petition lands on Baker’s desk

H.4622 authorizes the town to grant a full liquor license to Papa’s Healthy Food and Fuel on Route 23 in East Otis.

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