Tuesday, February 18, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

HomeTagsJohn Stanmeyer

Tag: John Stanmeyer

CONNECTIONS: In this fraught time, focus locally

It is important for us to feel relevant at a time when it is easy to feel small and impotent.

Bits & Bytes: ‘The Climate Issue Is a Human Issue’; Sagarin on the future of education; JoAnne Redding, Robert Kelly at Music on Main;...

Sagarin will discuss the topics of decreasing enrollment, burgeoning costs, standardized testing, the role of technology, budget cuts and more

Bits & Bytes: First Fridays Artswalk; Berkshire Dance Party & Cabaret; ‘Dance!!! For Dogs and Cats;’ beginners’ birding workshop; ‘Jerusalem in the Woods’

Berkshire Dance Party and Cabaret attendees will be able to walk the pink carpet, sing along in the piano bar, send and receive messages at Berkshire Flirt’s post office, dance to music spun by DJ BFG, and enjoy visual projections by Joe Wheaton.

KALCHEIM: Why I love the Stanmeyer Gallery and Shaker Dam Coffee House

What John Dryden, and Samuel Johnson, those famous denizens of the old London Coffeehouse, surely understood, was that man must exist socially just as much when he is engaged in serious consideration of the affairs of the day, as when he chooses to be frivolous; and all of this can happen quite naturally over coffee.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.