As we take a look at how it is that litigation against Donald Trump has ended in a whimper, let’s try and find the smallest bit of solace amongst the ruins of diminished expectations.
If anyone reading this has any interest in theater at all, as a profession or as an avocation, this is what they should see. This is what all people in this industry should aspire to achieve.
Directed brilliantly for theater-in-the-round by John Saunders, this company proves that a professional take on this classic can make it fine and new again and so very enjoyable.
There wasn't a single false note to be found in this company's interpretations, and so the story maintained its novelistic power through fidelity to Hugo's original intent.
Every producer in the region should see this production while they can. In it they will find talent and taste and inspiration. In it they may find future employees and individuals who would enhance their own work and visions.
In spite of the fact that "Damn Yankees" is one of my favorite shows, this is a production of the musical that I would recommend heartily and without any caveat about this, that or the other thing.
This is a perfect show with which to bring to a close the principal season (there is a fall show to come) for this best of all summer stock houses in this region.