Tuesday, February 18, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: John Lawson

CONNECTIONS: In this fraught time, focus locally

It is important for us to feel relevant at a time when it is easy to feel small and impotent.

Business Briefs: Roots Rising meets goal; MNN meeting; GBRSS announces development director; Artist’s Resource Trust Fund awards grants; artist-in-residence sought

A number of emerging public policy issues at the state and federal level will have an immediate impact on Massachusetts nonprofits and span across subsector, budget size and region.

POEM: Anonymous Concrete

Listen to the flag rope hitting the flagpole no flag is in sight and yet we all wave

Bits & Bytes: Woofstock 2016; ‘Out of the Darkness;’ ‘A Sense of Place;’ nature immersion program; solar eclipse talk; ‘Overdose’ poem performance; Multicultural BRIDGE...

On August 31, 2017, a total solar eclipse will sweep across the continental United States from coast to coast for the first time in 99 years. The partially eclipsed sun will be visible from all of the United States, Canada, and Mexico, with 72 percent coverage in the Berkshires.

POEM: Labor Day

From the artist John K. Lawson, a poem on Labor Day.

POEM: Helicopters

So what is going to happen Feels beyond our control The great you s of a just won another Olympic gold medal.

POEM: Anonymous concrete

British-born poet and artist John Lawson expresses his reaction to this week's Brexit vote to have England leave the European Union.

The Dizzy Echoes of Tomorrow —- in memory of Prince

A poem in memory of Prince, the musician and song writer, who died on April 21.

POEM: Snowman in the sun

A poem for Valentine's Day.

POEM : Impossible Star

A poem upon the occasion of learning of the death of David Bowie (1947-2016).

‘Evil: A matter of intent,’ an exhibit at Hebrew Union College. Interview with curator, Laura Kruger

"I personally feel that the Holocaust must be told as history and not as interpretation. It was very real. The scars are very real. And it’s too close." -- Laura Kruger, curator of the Hebrew Union College - Jewish Institute of Religion Museum

POEM: Under the shade of any old moon, toward a Christmas past

A poem on the occasion of Christmas: Between hot cider and eggnog I am a scaled fish ready for the fryer lost inside a nightmare

Poems: In memory of Hurricane Katrina

The two photographs accompanying these poems were salvaged from my flood destroyed home and studio in New Orleans August 2005.

POEM: ‘Delivery Boy’

A meditation, upon hearing that the singer Nick Cave's 15-year-old son, Arthur, died from a fall from a cliff in Brighton, England.

Short story: Dreakfast

“Well, I prolly don't have much time left. That's why I wrote it to her. So I prolly wouldn't be able ta stop waitin on her ta write back before I had the chance ta do anything, before the old bucket kicked me. Guess everybody dies waitin for somethin they ain't gonna get though.”

I am here and this is now

A poem and collage by The Edge's Some Guy Upstairs.

‘Best Small Town’ art exhibit to celebrate Great Barrington

Among the 25 artists whose work will be on display are Morgan Bulkeley, Jarvis Rockwell, Joan Griswold, Warner Friedman, Janet Rickus, Peggy Reeves, and John Lawson.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.