“I worry about what happens to our students when their leaders lose sight of whom they serve," said Du Bois Middle School Spanish teacher Mercedes Girona. “I understand that there are budget cuts, but I feel like there needs to be a little bit more humanity."
The 2015 film 'Packed in a Trunk' follows Emmy Award-winning writer and director Jane Anderson as she and her wife, Tess, attempt to unravel the mystery of her great aunt, Provincetown painter Edith Wilkinson.
As interim executive director Lucie Castaldo leads IS183 Art School into the future, she continues to be guided by her belief that “we can and should be making.”
Jay Ungar and Molly Mason draw their repertoire and inspiration from a wide range of American musical styles including 19th-century classics, Appalachian, Cajun, Celtic fiddle tunes, and favorites from the golden age of country and swing.
Whether creating her own work, planning a curriculum or teaching students a new technique or media, each activity supports and strengthens Brielle Rizzotti's understanding of the other.
With influences ranging from British folk songs to Motown, Sun Parade will be on the road throughout 2017 in support of their latest album, “Braindrain.”
Maplefest attendees will be able to visit a working sugar house, observe the finishing and bottling of the final product, try their hands at tapping a tree and gathering sap, and taste homemade syrup on pancakes and “sugar on snow.”
Research on the 'Served' project started in January when three Williams College students shadowed Dining Services workers to learn more about their lives and work.
For the past six months, Volunteers in Medicine has formalized and expanded a program called “Social Determinants of Health,” run in partnership with the Berkshire Community Action Council.
At the Oct. 26 W.E.B. Du Bois lecture Smith College Professor and author Paula J. Giddings will discuss early civil rights leader and anti-lynching crusader Ida B. Wells.
At approximately 11 a.m. on Friday, August 5, members of the fire department's technical rescue team responded to Monument Mountain for reports of a 22-year-old woman with an injured ankle.
Volunteers in Medicine Berkshires (VIM) will hold its gala event, “Knock Three Times and Whisper,” on Thursday, August 11, at 6:30 p.m. at Ski Butternut. The event will feature a Roaring 20s speakeasy theme, live music by the Wanda Houston Band.
Volunteers from across the state will celebrate New York’s park system by cleaning up park lands and beaches, planting trees and gardens, restoring trails and wildlife habitats, removing invasive species, and working on construction and site improvement projects.
Church says that the most rewarding part to her job at the Red Lion Inn has been seeking out local artists to feature in the shop and guiding them through the ins and outs of retail.
“My vision for Pittsfield reflects a place where small businesses thrive, strategic collaborations are nurtured, and the creative economy flourishes."
-- Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer