Thursday, January 23, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: incarceration

SHEELA CLARY: The Preamble

The worthiest enemy of authoritarianism is authority. But who are the authoritative heroes available to us, and to the younger generations in particular? Who speaks a truth that everyone can get behind?

Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington speaks out on criminal justice reform, marijuana legalization

"As a parent, and someone who’s worked with young people who are at risk, I’m very concerned with how we protect young people from marijuana. We know that marijuana is devastating for developing brains. If your kids get drunk before school, you’re going to notice. But if they’re smoking marijuana, it’s a lot harder to tell." --Berkshire County District Attorney Andrea Harrington

News Brief: NAACP criminal justice reform protest

Criminal justice reform is one of the three key policy priorities for the NAACP-Berkshire County Branch in 2017.

Berkshire County needs a drug court

Drug courts substitute traditional criminal penalties, like incarceration, with intense, supervised drug treatment and testing. Drug courts significantly reduce crime as much as 35 percent more than other sentencing options.

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