The residential tax exemption is not a targeted response to this important issue it is purported to be addressing. It will do nothing to make housing more affordable.
Just because you’d like it doesn’t mean it will happen. It will not. If it did, you would have to figure out how to placate those little states that make out like bandits because of the Electoral College and the undue influence that it gives to them.
In a letter to the editor, Justin F. Jackson writes, "It is my considered judgment, and the judgment of more than 2,000 historians, that if President Trump’s misconduct does not rise to the level of impeachment, and removal from office, then virtually nothing does."
If everything is reduced to for and against, then it is reduced to choosing sides. And if that is how “news” is presented, why are we surprised that the country is “polarized”?
Our shift from growth to value throughout last year has been small in magnitude and snail-slow. We didn’t want to get too defensive and lose out on the upside, and value stocks allow for the possibility of participating on the upside.
This governor really cares about making a splash. The splash is so important that he doesn’t seem to care that he is mixing it up with someone who he thinks has been unfair to him.