The Declaration of Independence makes crystal clear that the Founders fought for the proposition “that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed …” Having lost the 2020 election, Donald Trump became the first president in our history to oppose the peaceful transfer of power and to try, in...
In a letter to Congressman Richard E. Neal, the Sheffield Democratic Committee and Berkshire Democratic Brigades write: “You now have a national responsibility to ensure that no one, including the President, is above the law. So your refusal to take more aggressive action on Trump’s tax returns is very disappointing and dangerous to our democracy.”
If anyone reading this has any interest in theater at all, as a profession or as an avocation, this is what they should see. This is what all people in this industry should aspire to achieve.
Immigrants & their children are the heart of our country. I am proud to be #MadeByImmigrants@realDonaldTrump racist rhetoric only makes me fight harder for all.
Entire communities within the cities through which the railroad system operated were founded by migrants from many countries. With thanks to “The American’s Book,” many of the progeny of those migrants rose to prominence in business, industry, and government.
Voter suppression schemes target specific populations, generally nonwhites, and make it onerous or impossible to register, to get to the poll and cast a vote. Recent examples include the shenanigans in Georgia, North Carolina and North Dakota.
Berkshire Immigrant Center is the only organization in the county offering comprehensive immigration services for the more than 10,000 foreign-born residents of Berkshire County—a number that equates not only to 10 percent of the County’s population, but also the only growing segment of the region’s population.
The Coast Guard, the agency we rely on during the darkest days of disaster, is about to be shuttered for the sake of a wall and a temper tantrum. Ready to move to Canada yet?
It is harder to understand why American citizens would undermine elections. Yet, in American history, the movements to be inclusive have been balanced by the movements to remain exclusive.