Written and directed by John de Graaf in 2019, the film explores the concept of cohousing, an intentional community of private homes clustered around shared space.
There is a lot of money in the Berkshires and it is a mark of the good people who live here that they are willing to give some of what they have to help others.
Chinn is quick to point out that "Science Fair" is not about decorating anything. Rather, it is about revealing the beauty found not only in the visible and palpable outcomes of natural processes but, most especially, in science's most abstract concepts.
Tim Fain can be seen and heard in the film “Black Swan.” He also gives "voice" to the violin of the lead actor in the hit film “12 Years a Slave,” as he did with Richard Gere's violin in the feature film “Bee Season.”
Lauren Clark Fine Art will host a reading and conversation about collaboration featuring artist Jim Youngerman, poet David Keplinger and musician Johnny Irion Saturday, Aug. 11, from 2 to 3 p.m.