Norman Rockwell was likely entrenched in his daily routine on that long-ago summer afternoon, one that included riding his bike down Main Street and observing passersby from the expansive northern-facing windows of his second-floor studio in Stockbridge.
“It is worse, much worse, than you think. The slowness of climate change is a fairy tale, perhaps as pernicious as the one that says it isn’t happening at all …”
The talk is the first sponsored by the W. E. B. Du Bois Legacy Committee as well as the first in a series of lectures by UMass visiting scholars, co-sponsored by the town of Great Barrington and UMass.
Editor's Note: Through an editing error an earlier version of this article incorrectly identified the author as David Scribner. The author is Mark Reynolds.
The chapbook is a brilliant work of art in its way of revealing how seemingly fleeting events in our lives can have enormous impact on memory, leaving lasting impressions in spite of or because of the careless actions of others.
In Texas, Taylor helped foster the creation of New Hope Housing, which pioneered the approach in Houston of using single-room occupancy housing coupled with intensive counseling and employment support services to help solve chronic homelessness among city residents.
Participating residents and businesses will see an average savings of 8.48 percent in their monthly energy bills during the contract term as compared with the basic service rate.