Sunday, February 16, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Hampshire Federalist

THE OTHER SIDE: Witches burning (Part One)

As we have learned over the centuries, when it comes to burning witches, it doesn’t really matter if you have burned a real witch or just someone who, in your fevered, partisan, and paranoid imagination, could easily become a witch in the future. It is the burning that is the message.

CONNECTIONS: Lies, damned lies, and the facts

Today, dangerously, we argue fact as if it were one of multiple opinions. It saps our national strength and hampers our ability to problem-solve.

The ‘News,’ then as now

It took 200 years for American media and public relations to discover the power of hypocrisy: simultaneously lying and denying it.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.