It would appear to be quite sensible to regulate guns as we regulate autos and their drivers ... and it would seem quite reasonable to require guns to be insured, at least for liabilities.
In her letter to the editor Susan Olshuff of Lenox writes: “As we reflect this holiday season, let us honor all victims of gun violence by turning tragedy into transformation.”
We continue to read the deaths of our children, relatives, friends and neighbors from the drug epedimic, escalating gun violence, and domestic violence and sexual assault at alarming rates.
The bill extends the state’s life sciences tax incentive program for another 10 years, proposes millions of dollars in grants to community colleges and vocational schools to increase employment opportunities, and authorizes spending on initiatives to promote regional efforts to advance innovations in bio-manufacturing.
Thousands of students nationwide are protesting the epidemic of school shootings. Gun violence in schools and the slaughter of school children has become a weekly affair. So far in 2018 there have been 20 school shootings, an average of 1.25 per week.
One-fourth of the Simon’s Rock student body joined the national student protest for increased gun control. “It’s really inspiring to see these students get involved in what is happening in the world and in their community,” said Selectman Ed Abrahams, who attended the protest. “Our country and our community need this energy, this involvement."
“By next Friday, every school kid in America will have experienced at least three events where they have no doubt wondered how long they must endure the tolerance for guns that has torn apart the fabric of this country and endangered their lives.”
-- Documentary filmmaker Bobby Houston, on the screening of his film 'The Children's March'
Ben Hillman recorded this video of the March 24 March for our Lives in New York City, one of hundreds of such marches nationwide prompted by the February 14 slaughter of 17 high school students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. During the marches hundreds of thousands expressed their outrage at the prevalence of guns, assault weapons, gun violence, and the cowardice of Congress in not enacting gun control measures to keep our children safe.