“I worry about what happens to our students when their leaders lose sight of whom they serve," said Du Bois Middle School Spanish teacher Mercedes Girona. “I understand that there are budget cuts, but I feel like there needs to be a little bit more humanity."
Kate McCormick, who represents 20 Castle Street LLC and its principal, Tom Borshoff, would not identify the possible buyer of the property because a purchase-and-sales agreement had not yet been signed.
Town officials have said Sterling Suffolk Racecourse would need at least two special permits: One for commercial amusement and another for floodplain protection, and possibly a third for work in the town’s water quality protection overlay district.
Now that the model units are open, Benchmark Development principal Charles said he expects to reconnect with prior contacts and hold regular open houses.
Though a date is not yet confirmed for completion of fountain installations, merchants who are still selling plastic water bottles of 1 liter or less are urged to begin phasing out their supplies.
The upper Railroad Street lot appears to have about 30 spots, the loss of which, even for a few days, will have some denizens of downtown scrambling to find places to park their vehicles.
Parking will be prohibited in the upper Railroad Street parking lot from Wednesday, June 12, through Friday, June 14, in order to install new streetlights in the area.
The task of hiring a new town clerk will fall to new town manager Mark Pruhenski, who himself was only hired this spring and is currently in his first week on the job.
By the end of the summer, service is expected to be extended to the Mason Library and the town water department, known as the Great Barrington Fire District, on East Street.
The town expects to have the north side of Railroad Street "buttoned up," including the installation of bases for decorative light poles, by the end of this week.
The South County strike was but one that included thousands of students in Massachusetts and hundreds of thousands across the country who skipped school in order to participate, according to a news release from the Massachusetts Youth Climate Strike.
Of course, as an artist who’s addicted to seeing the world through theater-colored glasses, I keep imagining the possibilities of making unique and totally awesome musical productions all over the Kilpatrick Athletic Center.
In a letter to the editor, Holly Hamer writes: "TOPA Enterprises plans to build an apartment complex there with a driveway and parking area that will kill the tree, which has a drip line showing a root system that stretches 50 feet or more into the privately owned lot."
In a letter to the editor, Steve Farina writes, "The inclusion of a filtered unit approved by the town would seem to indicate that it admits to a water quality problem in Housatonic, potentially opening the town to liability problems..."
Interviews will take place at Town Hall Tuesday, March 26, and Wednesday, March 27. The public is invited. Town residents wishing to submit questions for the candidates must do so no later than Friday, March 22, at 5 p.m.