In a January 10 letter to its customers, Housatonic Water Works announced that water from the system's 314 North Plain Road location exceeded the maximum contaminant level for haloacetic acids during testing in the fourth quarter of 2022. This is the first time that the MCL determination has been made at the location.
I have quoted liberally from “The 2000 Year Old Man” for years. Many of my friends and I have committed a good deal of his work to memory and it has become a short hand for almost every political situation.
Valkyrie will have to go through the site-plan review process with the town planning board and negotiate a host community agreement with the selectboard.
Several who spoke against it were members of the Lake Mansfield Improvement Task Force, which spent more than 10 years working on a comprehensive plan for restoring and maintaining the lake that included a plan to close the road to vehicular traffic.
Don’t put these much-needed projects at risk. Please DO NOT vote to “pass over” or “take no action” on this CPA funding request, and please DO vote to approve Article #19, items 1 and 2.
If the town meeting is not able to pass a budget by the end of the fiscal year on June 30, the town of Great Barrington, like hundreds of other small municipalities in the state with a town-meeting form of government, has a problem.
The good news is the bridge will remain open to two-way traffic during construction. The lanes will be narrowed to provide adequate workspace safety and staging areas for materials.
The Great Barrington Selectboard, Cutting Edge AV Inc. in Lee and Monument Mountain Regional High School staff are busy this week arranging for an outdoor sound system and an FM radio broadcast of the meeting, which voters can follow in their cars.
Longtime police Chief Bill Walsh told the board his department was an early adopter of the principles enunciated in President Obama's Task Force on 21st Century Policing.
The idea for retail businesses is that most will require masks of customers for the foreseeable future. If a customer does not have a mask, businesses can offer them one because they will now have a supply.