Saturday, January 25, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: gardening

I WITNESS: The return of Captain Wrecking Ball

Although Trump’s modus operandi is to never, ever tell the truth, the threats he made over the past few months and during his campaign were real.

A lexicon of wildflowers

When they are attractive, we call them wildflowers, but whatever their common name, they can be a nuisance.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Solace in the garden

Yes, the Berkshire Botanical Garden may offer much needed outdoor solace, but its new Director of Horticulture is livening things up.

PERSPECTIVES: In the pandemic age, gardening blooms in the Berkshires

"Business as usual" does not exist for any industry at this point. With that said, county horticultural businesses have taken steps to keep both staff and consumers safe while still adapting to increased demands.

Gardener’s Checklist: Week of May 28, 2020

Keep your shirt on. Why is this good gardening advice?

The Self-Taught Gardener: Learning to adapt

In a duel with the coronavirus, years of gardening have taught our Self-Taught Gardener that we will lose. But there is a better option.

NATURE’S TURN: Back to the land in May – polyculture feeds body and spirit

Mostly cool weather is predicted for early May, ideal for continuing to prepare ground and sow cool-weather varieties, albeit at a faster clip.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Love in the time of corona

At a time when connections count, our Self-Taught Gardener Lee Buttala advises us to try Nature.

The Self-Taught Gardener: Time travel

For our Self-Taught Gardener, plants are mnenomic devices, connecting him to past places and people and helping him take them into the future.

NATURE’S TURN: Peak summer flowers, fruits and foes

Melons and summer and winter squashes trumpet their yellow- to orange-hued blossoms and set fruit. Their leaves form a floating green carpet.

NATURE’S TURN: August turnover: garden digest

There is so much information to digest and respond to in the expanse of a mid-summer garden.

NATURE’S TURN: Sow crops for late summer, autumn and winter food. A new book inspires

In many area gardens, beds of early beets, carrots, turnips and garlic bulbs will be harvested between now and early August, challenging us to choose short-season and frost-hardy varieties for continuous planting.

NATURE’S TURN: Polyculture, no-till garden tour

Rows of vigorous fall-planted garlic have anchored the garden with their lush foliage, superseded only by perennial rhubarb that thrived even when its leaves were snow-covered on May 12.

NATURE’S TURN: Wood frogs, peepers, wind woo springtime sower

The warmth that thawed the wood frogs thawed my garden beds and gave rise to tiny leafy tops on half a dozen overwintered parsnips.

NATURE’S TURN: Nature turns on the edge of freezing – a photo essay

Keying out the details of what remains of the plant on the stormy day on which I write of this discovery, observation points to the noveboracensis, a phenomenal New York Ironweed. I am eager for a close look during the 2019 growing season.

NATURE’S TURN: On the cusp of winter, Turtle Tree Seeds turns toward spring

Last week, on the eve of the deepest chill and wind chill of the season, I reached into reserves of dogged determination to secure my harvest of fennel, dill, peppers, French sorrel, amaranth and most of the turnips.

NATURE’S TURN: Autumn wind and other wild wonders around a garden

Autumn’s full-grown clumps of grass do dance with the wind more fluidly than young, short ones. Weighty, seedy flower heads pull on the season’s longer stems, exaggerating their bowing and bobbing.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.