In her letter to DPU officials, Davis wrote that "Water is a fundamental public good, and I will continue to advocate for sustainable solutions to provide clean, reliable water to all residents."
Someone on one side of the Stockbridge/Great Barrington property line should not be paying more than someone on the other side, no matter how many kids are involved, according to Great Barrington resident Chip Elitzer.
“The reality is all this is an opportunity to request and shift tax burden from Great Barrington to the other two towns...and if that’s what’s its about, and if facts are what they’s never gonna fly... I don’t see how we can change the rules. It would be cheaper for Stockbridge to get out [of the district].”
-- Fred Rutberg of Stockbridge
"I am so tired of hearing you say that it is Chucky Cardillo's problem to resolve,” declared Prospect Hill resident Carole Owens. “This is not a Chuck problem. This is a Stockbridge problem. The selectmen act in concert. I wonder why the town isn’t paying his legal fees.”
-- Stockbridge resident Carole Owens