Wednesday, September 18, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Eva Tor

Fourth season of Berkshire Busk! draws to a close, having brought entertainment to downtown Great Barrington

“The Berkshire Busk! gave people an opportunity for people to hear, see, and experience a wide range of arts, some of which they may have never seen before, just by showing up," explained co-organizer Eugene Carr.

CDC makes case for 100 Bridge Street project; ZBA mulls affordable housing decision

While Community Development Corporation of South Berkshire (CDC) has presented its plan for 45 units of affordable housing to several boards, the Zoning Board of Appeals is the one that has to decide whether to issue CDC its comprehensive permit.

GE plans to dump on the Berkshires with Housatonic River cleanup

According to the Federal Register, EPA scientists have stated that toxic landfill liners are no guarantee and that landfill pollutants can “migrate into the broader environment. Eventually liners will either degrade, tear, or crack and will allow liquids to migrate out of the unit.” GE wants three more PCB landfills in the Berkshires. But the EPA insists on out-of-state disposal in an approved PCB facility. The matter will likely be settled in court.

DEP terminates bioremediation at former Log Homes site

“From a practical standpoint, and from a health and safety standpoint, if we cap rather than bioremediate, there is virtually no impact on development schedule. This project has an incredible benefit for the entire community and entire region." --- Tim Geller, executive director, Community Development Corporation of South Berkshire

Mass. DEP halts bioremediation at former Log Homes site; more data needed, agency insists

Eva V. Tor, MassDEP’s Deputy Regional Director of the Bureau of Waste Site Cleanup, said that all the data reviewed by her agency thus far is insufficient for the cleanup to continue on the brownfield site… particularly given the proximity of the site to sensitive populations and current uncertainty regarding the effectiveness of this remediation method.

Odor issues halt Log Homes bioremediation

“We never anticipated that the site’s cleanup would be concurrent with the heaviest rainfall in 227 years.” -- Chris Young, Biotech Restorations CEO

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