Sharyn Richards Marks of TKG Real Estate offers a custom-built home on nearly 100 acres for family living and with development possibilities. Luca Shapiro and Rosalind Wright of Pryor & Peacock bring us “furniture re-imagined.” A year-end wrap-up of 2024 real estate sales has surprises. Plus, recent sales, a home-cooking recipe, and gardening columns.
A high mail-in response will show the state Legislature (and the rest of the country) that mail-in voting can increase voter turnout. Your vote is important.
"A high mail-in response will show the state legislature -- and the rest of the country -- that mail-in voting can increase voter turnout." -- Great Barrington Selectman Ed Abrahams
In their letter to the editor Peter and Ellen Brewer write: “Steve has great communication skills, knows how to negotiate, and can deal with conflict.”
Voter suppression schemes target specific populations, generally nonwhites, and make it onerous or impossible to register, to get to the poll and cast a vote. Recent examples include the shenanigans in Georgia, North Carolina and North Dakota.
In his letter Lawrence Davis-Hollander writes: "While people have been convinced to think this election is about right vs. left, conservative vs. liberal, globalism vs. nationalism, Republican vs. Democrat, it is quite simply about good vs. evil."
In a letter attorney Ira Kaplan writes: “Paul [Caccaviello] is an effective litigator, but he is also a compassionate person. He was a mentor to me, and his touchstone was seeking justice.“
In her letter Deborah Taylor Caine writes: “The Criminal Justice Reform Bill makes the DA's office more important than ever. It has to understand and implement these changes.”
The fact that Mr. Caccaviello has dropped his party affiliation and can now mount a write-in is the equivalent of “getting off on a technicality.” It does not absolve him of the duty to stand for something beyond his own advancement.
In her letter Kathleen Riley of Pittsfield writes: “Mr. Caccaviello lost an election, period. Blaming his [primary] election loss on his not being a politician is absurd and hypocritical. He manipulated the political system to get the advantage of incumbency.”
There is a snarling hatred of politics out there in the street, heavily salted with fear. And that fear is close to the surface: Simply mention voting and there’s a look you come to recognize — panic, “Please, god, get me outta here.”