Sunday, February 9, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: Eileen Mooney

THE OTHER SIDE: Trump woke the world

The new Trumpian America, led by an authentic American "hero," is determined to put others in their place.

The Berkshire Record closes its doors after 31 years

Limestone Communications, the Record's holding company, also published several other revenue-generating publications, including Best of the Berkshires, and a series of guides for the seasons.

Bannon and Davis victorious for Great Barrington Selectboard as Bailly is ousted; O’Connor wins finance committee seat; Mooney ousts Smith from housing authority

A Proposition 2½ override also passed by a margin of 692-402. The measure will allow the town to raise the tax levy enough to address building improvements to the former Housatonic School, Housatonic fire station, police station and Town Hall.

News Briefs: GB construction update; GB candidates’ forum; Conservation Land Tax Credit bill approved

A public forum for all Great Barrington candidates will be held Wednesday, May 1, at 6:30 p.m. at the Claire Teague Senior Center, 917 South Main St.

For many Great Barrington voters, a tough decision for selectboard awaits

"I have no idea how this election will turn out. I put signs up this weekend. I asked some people to put up signs and they said no. They liked everybody." -- Great Barrington Selectboard Chair Steve Bannon

GB Election Round-up: Armed with ‘unique insights,’ Davis runs for selectboard; Atwood aims to regain seat on FinCom

"The work I do provides me with unique insights into how Great Barrington might better leverage state and federal monies, pursue shared services, and develop creative partnerships which would help to strengthen and sustain our community." -- Great Barrington Selectboard candidate Leigh Davis

Selectboard listens to complaints about HA chair’s leadership style but declines to remove her

Selectboard Chair Steve Bannon agreed that Housing Authority Chair Karen Smith's transgressions do not rise to the standard for removal under state law.

Great Barrington’s search for a Town Manager off to a sleepy start

“I think the town’s been run just fine the past five years. Jennifer did a great job. I’m very sorry to see her go.” -- Selectman Bill Cooke

Candidates for Great Barrington Selectboard, Finance Committee, ZBA present their platforms

The six candidates for Great Barrington Selectboard range from two men and one woman who have been on the scene for a long time to younger office seekers looking for generational change on the board.

In another bid for funding, Berkshire Hills to tell state what’s wrong with Monument

Berkshire Hills’ director of operations Steven Soule will once again assess the condition of 50-year-old Monument Mountain Regional High School and draft the statement, which will explain a number of deficiencies including 'building condition, access, health and safety, as well as deficiencies for instructional programs, especially science and career and technical facilities.'

‘Sanctuary City’? No, but Great Barrington acting like one

"I want to express my gratitude to our Selectmen and our Police Department for creating and unanimously passing the ‘Sanctuary’ resolution at their last meeting. You made me proud to be a citizen of Great Barrington." --- Local author Daniel Klein, addressing the Selectboard

Berkshire Hills School Committee candidates agree: Bold financing reforms required

After Great Barrington voters shot down a Monument Mountain Regional High School renovation project two years in a row , a Regional Agreement Amendment Committee formed to get the three towns to the negotiating table to try to change the per-pupil funding arrangement.

Great Barrington Selectboard unanimously approves special permits for hotel at Searles School

“The applicant has taken it all very much to heart and wants to do...what is right for the community…we all have the potential to get something good for Great Barrington.” --- Sean Stanton, chairman of the Great Barrington Selectboard

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.