Salisbury Bank’s 14 branches in Berkshire, Litchfield, Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster counties will collect nonperishable food items, household supplies and cash donations to be distributed directly to food pantries serving each area.
Known as the “telephone dude in the gold Scion,” Tom worked for various phone companies throughout New York and Massachusetts until the late 1990s, when he ventured out on his own installing telephone systems.
After another passing hiker assisted by climbing across the boulders and identified the dog's location, Great Barrington firefighters were able to access the crevice and retrieve the dog.
The full day of activities will also feature scenic airplane, biplane and helicopter rides as well as hot-air balloon rides. Participants can enjoy demonstrations of paragliding, skydiving and radio-controlled planes and helicopters — or you can try out the flight simulator.
“We have a 150-year history of finding ways to improve service to the community, even if it means branching out from our standard scope of work.”
-- Fire Chief Charles Burger
The agreement between Fairview Hospital and a first responder agency to prevent fatal effects of a drug overdose is the first of its kind in the southern Berkshires.