Friday, February 7, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: economics

Fighting a hate with no boundaries: Jewish Federation of the Berkshires looking for support in its ‘Hate has no home here’ campaign

"We also know that hate never travels alone," Jewish Federation of the Berkshires Executive Director Dara Kaufman told The Berkshire Edge. "We’re in a community where if you stand up for one, you stand up for all."

CONNECTIONS: Sowing seeds of terrorism at our border

There may also be disagreement about what to do with the children separated from their parents, but there may be another question worth answering: Are we creating a generation of terrorists?

CONNECTIONS: Is America becoming an oligarchy?

Today, 1 percent controls 90 percent of the wealth. Will there be an unstoppable shift away from democracy?


The market has been so good that it’s likely to keep being good for another few months as investors move from the sidelines back into stocks. But after that, brief declines in stock prices wouldn’t be unlikely.

CONNECTIONS: Innkeepers to the outlanders, Berkshires preserves community

When community crumbles, does government weaken? Some Berkshire towns have paid town managers but by and large, we are governed by our citizens, who willingly take on a huge obligation for a pittance. They do it for love of place.

CAPITAL IDEAS: You Brexit, you buy it

This is not going to go well, and the ripple will affect global economies, including the U.S. firms that are growing more skittish about our own economy.

BerkShares Business of the Month: Swiss Hütte

The Swiss Hütte is a little bit Berkshires and a little bit Hudson Valley—the state line literally runs through the middle of the restaurant.

A NOVEL: ‘Over the Edge,’ Chapter 8

"Because it’s America, Tommy. Land of the fries, home of the craven. You’ll get to be you for the first time in your life and you’ll have mucho dinero in your pockets."

A NOVEL: ‘Over the Edge,’ Chapter 4

Her schooling in Switzerland was academic enough. Not only could she walk balancing a book on her head, she read the books she balanced. That was a prerequisite.

Water protector Winona LaDuke speaks on ‘cannibal economics,’ courage and fighting pipelines

“We have a shot at stopping some pretty extreme behavior at the end of the cannibal or the 'wendigo' economy. And that is, in my estimation, a great spiritual opportunity for us all.” -- Winona LaDuke

CONNECTIONS: Survival of the wealthiest

Rev. Henry Ward Beecher wedded the science of social Darwinism to the church, and helped obliterate criticism of the Gilded Age’s excessively disproportionate distribution of wealth. He justified the rich to their riches and blamed the poor for their poverty.

A Cuba journal: Cuba enters a new era, with evolving identity

I hope the Cuban government will regulate the speed and degree of change. Perhaps some kind of Socialist/Capitalist model will emerge. Something uniquely Cuban.

EDGE WISE: What’s in a gift? Considering generosity in the holiday season

Since joining the Generosity Economy, I’ve been spending less money — especially on food and clothing. But I’ve also changed the way I approach purchasing things in general. I think longer before simply buying something new, asking myself, Do I really need this thing? How much is it worth to me? Is this something my community can provide?

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.