Sunday, September 15, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: Easter

THE OTHER SIDE: Jack Smith v. The Supreme Court

Despite the remarkable obstacles thrown in his way by the Supreme Court, Jack Smith and his team are still hard at work trying to satisfy the claims of justice.

EYES TO THE SKY: Equinox tomorrow. Nobel Laureate to address Northeast Astronomy Forum

Each year, the Passover holiday begins on the evening after the first full moon that follows the spring equinox and Easter begins on the first Sunday after the full moon that follows the Equinox.

EAT WELL / LIVE WELL: It’s OK… (Passover and Easter conversations)

Deprivation is not the key to healthy eating, satiety is. And satiety is a complex condition. It has both physical and emotional components.

Case against Kyle Bailey, driver in fatal Easter accident, moved to Superior Court

Bailey’s blood alcohol content was tested after the accident, but results have not yet been made public. The speed of the car that Bailey was driving has also not been released. The speed limit on East Street is 25 mph.

EYES TO THE SKY : Paschal Moon — Passover, Easter and partial lunar eclipse

The upcoming lunar eclipse could be a brief experience of the divine. In the Berkshires, it will be a fleeting partial eclipse on Saturday morning April 4th, minutes before the sun rises in the east and the full moon sets in the west, with Earth in between.

KALCHEIM: The unlikely religious radicals

I challenge anybody to find a single church in Berkshire County that still uses the old King James Version of r he Bible.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.