Tuesday, February 18, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: E. Caligari and Son

CONNECTIONS: In this fraught time, focus locally

It is important for us to feel relevant at a time when it is easy to feel small and impotent.

The Rubber Bridge must bounce back

That Day came up with such a bold housing plan is remarkable; that he did so in concert with the priest is further amazing, allowing as he did the opportunity for the parish to sell building lots to help fund its church construction.

True colors

Heading into yet another important election cycle, the midterms, it’s vital that we as individuals investigate for ourselves what a candidate’s ‘true colors’ might be based not on promises or expressed rhetoric.

Jean Munson-Webster, 92, of Great Barrington

Jean was a graduate of the former Searles High School, class of 1942. She worked at General Electric in Pittsfield, First National Bank and as a bookkeeper for E. Caligari and Sons until her retirement.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.