Monday, December 9, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: David V. Groupe

Fairview Hospital in Great Barrington receives $1 million donation for new laboratory

The new laboratory will be named after Eugene A. Dellea, former president of Fairview Hospital.

THEATRE REVIEW: Oldcastle Theatre’s ‘Brighton Beach Memoirs’ features excellent, consistent company

It takes an act and a half to realize that the story Eugene Jerome is telling is less his own and more his mother's story. That revelation came to me with this production—the fifth time I've seen the play.

THEATRE REVIEW: Oldcastle Theatre Company’s ‘Red’ brings true humanity, keen realism

The director's work is remarkable but perhaps it is his familiarity with this actor that allows such communication to hold onto the character they have jointly created.

THEATRE REVIEW: Oldcastle Theatre Company’s ‘The Fourth Wall’ funny, entertaining, incredulous

It was a nice diversion played so well, and not a play I would have wanted to miss.

THEATRE REVIEW: ‘The Whipping Man’ at Oldcastle Theatre Company is fast-moving, emotional

Covering three days and nights, the play needs to keep its audience off-balance, and the director and actors do that without artifice and it makes a lot of sense.

THEATRE REVIEW: ‘The Almost True and Truly Remarkable Adventures of Israel Potter,’ Melville’s tale dramatized

With my own theatrical background, it was both a lively and invigorating experience to once again watch a show in this format: Storytelling with acting.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.