“We have a shot at stopping some pretty extreme behavior at the end of the cannibal or the 'wendigo' economy. And that is, in my estimation, a great spiritual opportunity for us all.” -- Winona LaDuke
In the past week there was another confrontation near the pipeline construction area on Beech Plain Road in Sandisfield between police and protesters in which three more arrests were made. One woman, Karla Colon-Aponte, was thrown down and pinned to the ground by a Massachusetts State Trooper hired as security for the pipeline project. A video captured that incident.
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power is currently playing at Images Cinema in Williamstown. See www.imagescinema.org for show times. On Thursday, Sept. 7, Elizabeth Kolbert, author of “The Sixth Extinction,” will speak between the two showings of the film. Sponsored by the Williams College Center for Environmental Studies.
At the Lower Spectacle Pond picnic area, about 80 people gathered at 10 a.m. to not only protest the pipeline but support "the need for solidarity against fossil fuel infrastructure across the country," said a Sugar Shack Alliance spokesperson.
Sitting right next to the existing right-of-way being widened aggressively by Tennessee Gas Company is a "Thoreau Cabin," so named for American transcendentalist Henry David Thoreau, who wrote the famous essay on civil disobedience.
On Monday, Feb. 13, at 6 p.m., State Sen. Adam Hinds, Pittsfield Mayor Linda Tyer and State Rep. Tricia Farley-Bouvier will hold a community meeting about refugee resettlement in the Berkshires at Herberg Middle School.
The Standing Rock benefit will include speakers Jeremy Stanton, who recently fed Thanksgiving dinner to more than 2,000 people at Standing Rock, and spiritual peace activist and filmmaker Fidel Moreno, who is just returning from his second visit to the reservation.
Stanton described the mood of the camp, and the water protectors as peaceful but determined in “non-violent resistance. People are clear that they are at the camp in prayer,” he said. “It is a sacred space — the feeling you get is somber, a real sense of purpose, some joy and laughter.”
--Jeremy Stanton, leader of the Fire Roasted catering delegation that helped feed 2,500 Thanksgiving Day dinners to protesters of the Dakota Access Pipeline
“I’m going to support those people and give them sustenance. We also believe very strongly that people should be treated with respect and their property should not be abused by corporate interests.”
--- Jeremy Stanton, owner of the Meat Market