Sunday, February 9, 2025

News and Ideas Worth Sharing

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Tag: cover crops

THE OTHER SIDE: Trump woke the world

The new Trumpian America, led by an authentic American "hero," is determined to put others in their place.

NATURE’S TURN: Back to the land in May – polyculture feeds body and spirit

Mostly cool weather is predicted for early May, ideal for continuing to prepare ground and sow cool-weather varieties, albeit at a faster clip.

NATURE’S TURN: Cover crops for the home gardener

During summer months I broadcast crimson clover seed between crop rows. This beautiful plant not only fixes nitrogen in the soil – i.e., we grow our own fertilizer – it keeps weeds down and is a good cut flower.

NATURE’S TURN: Frozen northeast, flowering northwest

After the ground freezes, gardeners look up to seed stalks and vines of flowering annuals and perennials to decide which to leave for wildlife and to disperse their seed in the landscape, and which to cut to collect seed for intentional sowing or to compost.

NATURE’S TURN: Autumn palate

Our season with the high Sun is past. Autumn vegetables and flowers sustain us in the changing light and weather.

NATURE’S TURN: Feed your soil, sow spring edibles, plant fruits for Arbor Day

While cool weather prevails, make it a priority to plant onion sets or plantlets, shell and snap peas, lettuce, arugula, spinach and radish, all direct seeded.

NATURE’S TURN: Mutual nurture, preparations for spring – with gratitude

Chased outdoors by the thought of impending hard frosts, the nimble gardener has been propelled by late autumn’s version of Indian summer.

NATURE’S TURN: The gardener’s art — gathering visions and vegetables

There’s still time to plant more radishes and broadcast seeds of lettuce, spinach and Asian greens in beds where alliums, spring beets and potatoes grew.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.