Thursday, September 19, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: Constitution


The Dewey Hall Dalia Festival demonstrated the power of flowers to cast a spell on people captivated by the sheer beauty and range of the varieties of flowers within the genus of Dahlia.

Berkshire Democrats urge U.S. Rep. Neal to support Trump’s impeachment

In a letter to Congressman Richard E. Neal, the Sheffield Democratic Committee and Berkshire Democratic Brigades write: “You now have a national responsibility to ensure that no one, including the President, is above the law. So your refusal to take more aggressive action on Trump’s tax returns is very disappointing and dangerous to our democracy.”

ORANGE ALERT: The (almost) daily outrage

FBI officials had discussed whether Trump was fit to be president.

CONNECTIONS: Lies, damned lies, and the facts

Today, dangerously, we argue fact as if it were one of multiple opinions. It saps our national strength and hampers our ability to problem-solve.

CONNECTIONS: A woman candidate? Heaven forfend!

They finally did it. They nominated a woman. When they did, the newspaper reported that people were “convulsed and shaken.”

LOOKING BACK: Stockbridge Town House debate led to separation of church, state

The Town House was built by subscription, rather than tax levy, in part because of the town’s poor financial condition.

Connections: In politics, nothing new under the sun

To an historian, all the money spent during campaigns seems silly. Millions, perhaps billions, are spent to present the same opposing positions in almost the same words fighting with the same tactics.

Unresolved ‘resolves’ and other Berkshire conflicts

The battle is not couched as in the 18th century: the merchant class versus the farmers. Today, it is Main Street versus Wall Street.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.