Tuesday, September 17, 2024

News and Ideas Worth Sharing


Tag: constellations

CONNECTIONS: Two remarkable Berkshire County women

What makes a remarkable woman? Let’s learn about a couple and see what we think.

EYES TO THE SKY: Field guide to nightly entertainment

While we continue to learn how to dodge threats to our physical health from the pandemic, spring is arriving with opportunities to nurture mind and body in the safety of the outdoors.

EYES TO THE SKY: Amateur astronomers soar: The Eagle Nebula

Avid observers, known as amateur astronomers (amateur from amour, love, lovers of) are also very social, gathering together in clubs, at star parties, around observatories and planetariums.

EYES TO THE SKY: Spring Triangle inside the Great Diamond

While venturing out at nightfall to enjoy the asterisms, be sure to appreciate the Crow careening in the south and the full figure of the Lion striding high in the southwest.

EYES TO THE SKY: Groundhog, Lion, Valentine and Venus

As societies lose their relationship to nature, the Sun is the “the elephant in the room” during seasonal festivals.

EYES TO THE SKY: Star wheels, key to constellations; best-of-year meteor shower

The concept of a planisphere -- a chart of the sphere of the sky drawn for viewing in two dimensions – originated centuries ago; its hands-on format makes it an exciting introduction to the night sky.

EYES TO THE SKY: Heavenly halos with sundogs

Lore has it that the name sundog derives from the sense that the swatch of color is tethered to the sun, like a dog on its master’s leash.

EYES TO THE SKY: New year alight with planets, stars, meteors

The Quadrantid meteor shower, cosmic fireworks for Earthlings celebrating the holiday season, is active from today, December 28, through January 12.

EYES TO THE SKY: Catch a Taurid, Leonid meteors, and Frost Moon

 November 16—29, 2015 Mt. Washington -- It was just as celebrity astronomy writers had described, except that I was indoors gazing out a picture window...

EYES TO THE SKY: Dawn is alight with meteors, four planets

At dawn, throw off the covers: Superlative planetary grouping, Orionid meteor shower. The sky is a dream of meteors.

EYES TO THE SKY: Meteors in evening, four planets in morning

Although a modest show is predicted, the Draconids have surprised observers with amazing numbers of shooting stars.

EYES TO THE SKY: Autumnal equinox and supermoon eclipse

Celestial events that nourish our spirits and become a part of our life histories are at play through the coming weeks.

EYES TO THE SKY: Moon guide to evening stars, Venus the Morning Star

On Tuesday the 25th, the moon appears further east, above the far edge of Sagittarius the Archer. This constellation’s brightest stars form a shape recognizable as a teapot.

EYES TO THE SKY: Warm starry nights, Blue Moon, Pluto, Earth 2.0

The instruments scientists have designed to bring human eyes and perception to the edges of our solar system and into the cosmos are contributing to our capacity for knowledge, awe and connection to the natural world beyond ourselves.

The Edge Is Free To Read.

But Not To Produce.