Robinson is deeply rooted in bebop, swing, and classic jazz traditions, often channeling the influence of players like Lester Young and Coleman Hawkins.
The Osher Lifelong Learning Institute at Berkshire Community College will present a panel discussion of the 2019 Berkshire summer theater season featuring Edge contributors J. Peter Bergman and Dan Dwyer Friday, Sept. 13, at the Berkshire Museum.
On Wednesday, April 24, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., Berkshire Country Day School will host a workshop with child psychologist Michael Thompson, Ph.D., based on the theme of his best-selling book “Best Friends, Worst Enemies: Community, Friendship, Social Power and Bullying in Childhood.”
Youth Rec Club, led by Berkshire South Regional Community Center's youth development manager Mac Wallace, will include a fun mix of sports, team-building games and outdoor activities.
The most powerful words of the evening might have come from Talia Ben Sasson-Gordis, senior associate regional director at the Anti-Defamation League in Boston: "The opposite of love is not hate. It is indifference."
The B’Shalom Chorale, the Berkshires’ only chorale showcasing Jewish music, will culminate its fifth season with concerts in Pittsfield and Great Barrington Tuesday and Wednesday.
The Great Barrington Farmers' Market and One Mercantile will present a book signing with cookbook author Alana Chernila Saturday, July 7, at the Great Barrington Farmers’ Market.
“Berkshire Supergenerians: A Forum for Seniors” is geared toward people in their 60s to their 90s; those concerned about aging well; and those who provide health, wellness and medical services to an older population.
The Nonprofit Center of the Berkshires is launching an annual awards program to recognize those who work in the nonprofit sector to serve the Berkshire community.
The 2015 film 'Packed in a Trunk' follows Emmy Award-winning writer and director Jane Anderson as she and her wife, Tess, attempt to unravel the mystery of her great aunt, Provincetown painter Edith Wilkinson.
“Choosing the Path That Is Green” will be delivered by activist, community economist, author and member of the Ojibwe Nation of the Anishinaabe peoples Winona LaDuke.
Berkshire Botanical Garden has partnered with area historic homes Chesterwood, Naumkeag, Frelinghuysen Morris House and Studio, Olana, and the Mount to provide inspiration to artists entering the Grow Show’s floral design and photography divisions.
In her presentation, Dr. Jennifer Michaels will describe the disease of addiction; explain how people become addicted to substances, with a focus on heroin and prescription pills; and discuss how treatments and recovery work.
Rep Farley-Bouvier's stated priorities are to ensure the well being of vulnerable populations including elders, those with disabilities, and those suffering with mental health and addiction issues.
On June 4, the Berkshire International Film Festival wrapped up its 12th festival with luminaries such as Christopher Plummer, John Carroll Lynch, Karen Allen, Steven Cantor, Sheila Nevins, David Edelstein and Paul Krugman as well as 40 filmmakers in attendance.
Rabeh Elleithy has been involved with the the United American Muslim Association of the Berkshires for over two years, striving to teach the concepts of Islam to Muslims and non-Muslims of all ages.