If Jerome Edgerton Jr. had to distill his message down to a single takeaway, it would be this: “No matter where we go . . . we’re going to step out as a powerful unit, and we’re going to create this wave of momentum and positivity that will affect our community.”
When community crumbles, does government weaken? Some Berkshire towns have paid town managers but by and large, we are governed by our citizens, who willingly take on a huge obligation for a pittance. They do it for love of place.
Alternative packaging, such as those made from bagasse and bioplastics, is being researched and manufactured, but not at a rate that will impact change any time soon. Perhaps the best way to proceed is at a community level.
At this time of year when we focus on gifts, visiting, punch bowls and groaning boards, let it be resolved that we remember the humanity of our neighbors – even the humanity of those who disagree with us on issues we hold dear.
Alston’s groundbreaking method, designed around a series of eight essential movements, identifies an individual’s asymmetries while simultaneously building strength and mobility.
The Edge has become a vehicle for building community -- the place to hear from and speak back to people who share the same space and focus on the same issues as you.